Atividade de Inglês sobre Simple Future: "Will" e "Going to"

Atividade de Inglês sobre Simple Future: "Will" e "Going to"

Nesta publicação, apresentamos uma excelente atividade prática de inglês sobre "Simple Future" para os estudantes do 6°, 7°, 8° e 9° ano. Este material ajudará seus alunos a consilidarem esse tempo verbal, fazendo uso do "will" (ideia de futuro que pode expressar incerteza) e do "going to" (ação futura que já está planejada e que acontecerá no futuro próximo). Venha conhecer e aplique com seus alunos. 

Atividade de Inglês - Simple Future

1. Com base nos verbos da tabela, use o Simple Future com “Will”.

2. Complete as frases usando o Simple Future (will + verbo). 

a) She _________ (go) to the party tonight.

b) They _________ (travel) to Japan next year.

c) I ________ (help) you with your homework.

d) He __________ (buy) a new car.

e) We _________ (visit) our grandparents on Sunday.

3. Transforme as frases para o Simple Future.

a) She eats dinner at 7 PM.

b) They play soccer every weekend.

c) I read this book.

d) He finishes his work.

e) We watch a movie.

4. As frases a seguir estão na forma contraída do Simple Future com Will. Reescreva-as para a forma completa.

a) I'll run in the marathon next month.

b) She'll jump over the fence to catch the ball.

c) They'll swim in the pool this afternoon.

d) He'll write a letter to his friend tomorrow.

e) We'll read a book together tonight.

5. As frases abaixo estão na forma afirmativa, converta-as para a forma negativa. 

a) She will sing a song at the concert next week.

b) They will dance at the party on Saturday.

c) I will cook dinner for everyone tonight.

d) They will buy a new house.

6. Transforme as frases em perguntas, ou seja, na forma interrogativa.

a) They visit us next weekend.

b) She travel to Europe next summer.

c) He finishes his project on time.

d) You call me later.

7. Explique brevemente em suas palavras o uso do futuro simples com Will e Going to.

8. Complete as frases com "going to", verbo To be e o verbo no infinitivo.

a) I _____________ (study) for my exam tomorrow.

b) She ___________  (travel) to Europe next year.

c) We ____________  (have) a party this weekend.

d) They ___________  (visit) their grandparents next month.

9. Traduza as frases do português para o inglês usando "going to"

a) Vou visitar meus avós no próximo fim de semana.

b) Ela vai começar um novo emprego em setembro.

c) Eles vão comprar um carro novo no próximo mês.

d) Ele vai estudar no exterior no próximo ano.

10. Leia o quadrinho:

Traduza a frase que se encontra no Simple Future.

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Por Jander Vagner
Tudo Sala de Aula 

Atividade feita por Tudo Sala de Aula!😊

1. Will run; Will jump; Will swim; Will write; Will read; Will sing; Will dance; Will cook. / 2. a) She will go to the party tonight. b) They will travel to Japan next year. c) I will help you with your homework. d) He will buy a new car. e) We will visit our grandparents on Sunday. / 3. a) She will eat dinner at 7 PM. b) They will play soccer every weekend. c) I will read this book. d) He will finish his work. e) We will watch a movie. / 4. a) I will run in the marathon next month. b) She will jump over the fence to catch the ball. c) They will swim in the pool this afternoon. d) He will write a letter to his friend tomorrow. e) We will read a book together tonight. / 5. a) She will not sing a song at the concert next week. b) They will not dance at the party on Saturday. c) I will not cook dinner for everyone tonight. d) They will not buy a new house. / 6. a) Will they visit us next weekend? b) Will she travel to Europe next summer? c) Will he finish his project on time? d) Will you call me later? / 7. Resposta esperada: Usamos "will" para expressar decisões tomadas no momento da fala, previsões baseadas em opiniões ou crenças, e promessas ou ameaças futuras. Usamos "going to" para falar sobre planos já decididos ou intenções claras para o futuro, frequentemente com evidências presentes. / 8. a) Am going to study. b) Is going to travel. c) Are going to have. d) Are going to visit. / 9. a) I'm going to visit my grandparents next weekend. b) She's going to start a new job in September. c) They're going to buy a new car next month. d) He's going to study abroad next year. / 10. Acho que você vai gostar dessa comida, Ferny.

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