Atividade de Inglês sobre o Carnaval com gabarito - Anos Finais

Atividade de Inglês sobre o Carnaval com gabarito - Anos Finais

Atividade de língua inglesa de leitura e interpretação sobre o Carnaval para o 6º ano, 7º ano, 8º ano e 9º ano.

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Read and answer questions 1 – 6.


Atividade de inglês sobre o carnaval

     Carnival is a traditional party that takes place in different parts of the world, being the most celebrated in Brazil. The word Carnival comes from the Latin, “carnis levale”, which means “to remove the meat”. Carnival is a festival traditionally linked to Catholicism, as its celebration precedes “Lent”. Carnival is not a Brazilian invention, as its origin dates back to antiquity.
     In Brazil, carnival began in the colonial period. One of the first carnival manifestations was the “entrudo”, a game of Portuguese origin played by slaves. Carnival usually involves a public feast, with a parade combining some circus elements and masks.

Texto: Tudo Sala de Aula / 2023

1. The text is intended 
a) to teach.
b) to criticize.
c) to explain.
d) to inform.

2. About the text, mark the TRUE option.
a) Carnival happens everywhere in the world.
b) Brazil is the country that least celebrates Carnival.
c) Carnival is not a traditional and popular feast.
d) Many Brazilians hold a carnival party.

3. In Brazil, when did carnival begin?

4. Segundo o texto, o carnaval significa
a) retirar a carne.
b) limpar a carne.
c) purificar a carne.
d) lavar a mente.

5. Read the statements below and mark (F) for FALSE and (T) for TRUE.

a. (    ) Carnival is a Brazilian invention.

b. (    ) Catholicism is related to Carnival.

c. (    ) Carnival is a traditional Brazilian celebration.

d. (    )  The origin of carnival is very old.

e. (    ) Carnival happens only in closed places.

6. Write about Brazilian carnival according to the text.

7. Match the carnival figures to their names.
Atividade de inglês sobre o carnaval

Read and answer questions 8 – 10.
Atividade de inglês com tirinha

8. According to Armandinho, what does carnival mean?

9. According to Armandinho, his friend shouldn't 
a) like carnival.
b) wear a mask.
c) eat during carnival.
d) talk about carnival.

10. For Armandinho, why should not the girl participate in the carnival?

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1D / 2D / 3. In Brazil, carnival began in the colonial period. / 4A / 5. (F), (T), (T), (T), (F) / 6. Carnival usually involves a public feast, with a parade combining some circus elements and masks. / 7.(Imagem 5) King Momo, (Imagem 7)Giant puppets, (Imagem 6) Serpentine, (Imagem 1) Mask, (Imagem 4) Samba dancer, (Imagem 2) Tambourine, (Imagem 3) Fantasy. / 8. Carnival means farewell to meat. / 9A / 10. Because she is vegan.

8 Comentários

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  1. Muito obrigada por compartilhar atividades bacanas para nos ajudar. Professora Vânia.

  2. Muito bons esses conteúdos, pois facilitam muito na hora de preparar as aulas de meu alunos. Grata.

  3. Muito boas as atividades! Obrigada por compartilhar conosco algo tão importante.

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