Atividade Verbo To Be - Com gabarito

Atividade Verbo To Be - Com gabarito

 Atividade de inglês sobre o verbo to be para o 6º ano e 7º ano com gabarito.

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Read and answer questions 1 - 2:

1. Escreva a locução verbal empregada na fala da personagem.

2. Essa locução verbal está na forma
a) afirmativa e no tempo presente.
b) afirmativa e no tempo passado.
c) interrogativa e no tempo presente.
d) negativa e no tempo passado.

Read and answer questions 3 and 4:

3. Traduza a primeira fala do diálogo.

4. The verb used in the dialog is in the:
a) present simple.
b) present Continuous
c) future simple.
d) past simple.

5. Complete the sentences below with am, is or are.

a) Mary and John ______ friends.

b) My dog ______ happy.

c) John and I ______ at school.

d) Pedro _______ my older brother.

e) I _____ here.

f) Helen _______ here.

g) Tiago and Beatriz ______ classmates.

6. Leia as frases abaixo e as passe para forma interrogativa. Siga o exemplo.

a)  We are happy.

Are we happy?

b) You are in school.

c) You were smart.

d) That was good.

e) I will be happy.

f) You were good students.

g) She will be at the event.

7. Assinale a melhor resposta para cada situação abaixo:

a) No, you are not.
b) No, I am not.
c) No, he is not.
d) No, she is not.

a) Yes, you are.
b) Yes, she is.
c) Yes, we are.
d) Yes, it is.

a) Yes, we are. 
b) Yes, he is.
c) Yes, I am.
d) Yes, she is.

8. Leia e resolva:

Conforme a propaganda, os celulares
a) estavam em promoção.
b) estão em promoção.
c) estarão em promoção.
d) estiveram em promoção.

9. Dê a forma contraída do verbo to be na forma negativa das seguintes frases:

a) I am not.

b) They are not.

c) You were not.

d) We will not be. 

e) They were not. 

f) He was not.

g) You will not be.

h) She is not.

i) They will not be.

10. Preencha as lacunas com a forma mais adequada do verbo “to be” no passado. (was / were)

a) She ______ not in school.

b) Yesterday Fernando and I ______ here.

c) He ______ my favorite teacher.

d) My dogs _______ my best friends.

e) Eliana ______ my dentist.

f) The girls ______ at the museum.

g) I ______ not late.

h) ______ she at school?

11. Turn the sentences below into the negative form.

a) I am a child.

b) We are in the school auditorium.

c) My dogs are enraged.

d) The students are late.

e) She is happy with the result.

12. Leia e resolva: 

A forma interrogativa dessa frase é:
a) You are my friend?
b) Are you my friend?
c) You will be my friend?
d) Were you my friend?

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1. am washing. / 2A / 3. Você estará na igreja?. / 4C / 5. a- are, b- is, c- are, d- is, e- am, f- is, g- are. / 6. b- Are you in school?; c- Were you smart?; d- Was that good?; e- Will i be happy?; f- Were you good students?; g- Will she be at the event?. / 7B, A, D. / 8C / 9. a- I'm not; b- They aren't; c- You weren't; d- We won't be; e- The weren't; f- He wasn't; g- You won't be; h- She isn't; i- They'll not be. / 10. a- was, b- were, c- was, d- was, e- was, f- were, g- was, h- was. / 11. a- I am not a child; b- We are not in the school auditorium; c- My dogs are not enraged; d- The students are not late; e- She is not happy with the result. / 12B.

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