Inglês Anos Finais

Atividade de Inglês sobre There is There are - Com gabarito

Lista de exercícios de fixação com questões práticas sobre o uso adequado das formas 'there is' e 'there are'.

Planejamento para o professor

a) ______________ two windows in the bedroom.
b) ______________ one bed in the room.
c) ______________ some books in the bedroom.
d) ______________ two rugs in the room
e) _____________ a closet/wardrobe in the room.
f) ______________ a painting in the room.
g) ______________ a chair in the bedroom.
h) ______________ two pillows on the bed.

    1º _______________________
    5º _______________________



                    1. a. There are; b. There is; c. There are; d. There are; e. There is; f. There is; g. There is; h. There are. / 2. a. There are; b. There is; c. There are; d. There is. / 3. Quadro 1: Is there a huge; Quadro 5: unknown world out there?. / 4C / 5B / 6D / 7. 1. There is; 2. There are; 3. There are; 4. There are; 5. There are; 6. There are; 7. There are. / 8. (Possível resposta: 1. There isn’t a small town in the countryside where the streets are quiet and people live their lives peacefully; There is not a small town in the countryside where the streets are quiet and people live their lives peacefully; There is no small town in the countryside where the streets are quiet and people live their lives peacefully. 2. There aren’t many old and beautiful houses; There are not many old and beautiful houses.). / 9. 1. Is there a small town in the countryside where the streets are quiet and people live their lives peacefully?; 2. Are there many old and beautiful houses?. / 10. (Possível resposta: There are dogs in the street; There is a book on the table; There is a pen in the school bag; There are teachers at the school.).

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