Atividade de Inglês sobre os membros da família para o 6º ano, 7º ano e 8º ano com gabarito
Planejamento para o professor
Objeto do conhecimento: Membros da Família.
Habilidade da BNCC: (EF06LI06) Planejar apresentação sobre a família, a comunidade e a escola, compartilhando-a oralmente com o grupo. (EF06LI17) Construir repertório lexical relativo a temas familiares (escola, família, rotina diária, atividades de lazer, esportes, entre outros).
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Read and answer questions 1 – 3:
1. The text above is a
a) dialog.
b) biography.
c) poem.
d) tale.
2. Identifique o parentesco da menina em português conforme o texto:
a) Alisha: __________________
b) Joe: ____________________
c) Susan: __________________
d) Sarah: __________________
3. Traduza a frase abaixo:
There are 5 people in my house.
4. Associe corretamente as colunas abaixo:
(E) DAD ( ) PAI
5. Look at the picture below and answer:
Tick the sentence which best describes this family.
a) There are five members in this family.
b) The mother is responsible for the family.
c) This is a very big family.
d) There are two boys.
6. Look at the picture below and answer:
Tick the sentence which best describes this family.
a) There are four daughters in this family.
b) There are five members in this family.
c) The mother and father are responsible for the family.
d) This is a very small family.
7. Look at the image and answer:
The image is of
a) a baby.
b) a father.
c) a boy.
d) a grandmother.
8. Look at the image and answer:
Choose the alternative that best describes the picture:
a) There are five people in this family.
b) The family consists of the parents and the children.
c) The brother is the oldest of the children.
d) The family is not happy.
9. Look at the picture and answer:
Using the image above, identify the requested information:
a) The grandchildren:
b) The wives:
c) Andrew and Martha’s parents:
d) The siblings:
e) The grandparents:
f) The husbands:
10. Observe and answer:
What is he saying?
a) They are brothers.
b) They are sisters.
c) They are parents.
d) They are adults.
11. Em inglês, faça a genealogia da sua família.
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Por Jander Vagner
Licenciado em Ciências Biológicas e em Língua Inglesa. Especialista em tradução e interpretação de textos em Língua Inglesa.
O conteúdo foi revisado e certificado pela equipe de Redação do Tudo Sala de Aula.